Department of Knee replacement
Knee replacement Hospital in Jalandhar
Knee replacement surgery in Jalandhar
Knee Replacement Hospital In Jalandhar
Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical method to replace the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to relieve pain and disability the patient is suffering from. It is most commonly used for osteoarthritis and also for other knee diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.
In patients with severe deformity from advanced rheumatoid arthritis, trauma, or long-standing osteoarthritis, the surgery may become more complicated and carry greater risk. Osteoporosis does not usually cause knee pain, deformity, or swelling and can’t be a reason to perform knee replacement. We have specialist doctors who will guide you with all the aspects of the surgery so that you can always take a good decision.
Other main causes of debilitating pain include meniscus tears, cartilage defects, and ligament tears. Debilitating pain from osteoarthritis is more common in the elderly.
Knee replacement surgery can be done as a partial or a total knee replacement. Generally, the surgery consists of replacing the infected or injured joint surfaces of the knee with metal and plastic components made to allow continued motion of the knee.
What are the causes of knee pain ?
- A huge number of illnesses and injuries can weaken the knee to the point where it becomes painful or will not function properly.
- Although a large number of conditions can cause knee pain, the following are the most important ones: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis.
- Osteoarthritis: This is an age-related ‘wear and tear’ type of arthritis. It usually occurs in people who are 50 years of age and older.
- Rheumatoid arthritis: This is a disease in which the synovial membrane that surrounds the joint becomes inflamed and thickened. This chronic inflammation can damage the cartilage and bone leading to pain and deformities.
- Post-traumatic arthritis: This can follow major fractures of the bones surrounding the knee or tears of the knee.
knee replacement in jalandhar

Knee replacement surgery in jalandhar
- A huge number of illnesses and injuries can weaken the knee to the point where it becomes painful or will not function properly.
- Although a large number of conditions can cause knee pain, the following are the most important ones: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis.
Osteoarthritis: This is an age-related ‘wear and tear’ type of arthritis. It usually occurs in people who are 50 years of age and older.
Rheumatoid arthritis: This is a disease in which the synovial membrane that surrounds the joint becomes inflamed and thickened. This chronic inflammation can damage the cartilage and bone leading to pain and deformities.
Post-traumatic arthritis: This can follow major fractures of the bones surrounding the knee or tears of the knee.
Knee replacement surgery in jalandhar
best knee replacement surgeon in jalandhar
In an arthritic knee the joint cartilage gets degenerated and the usually covered nerve endings in the bone get uncovered giving rise to extreme pain. Additional effects like inflammation of synovium (soft tissue lining the joint), joint effusion, muscle spasm are present. Ultimately the joint end up completely deformed and a painful state limiting not only to work and recreation, but also ordinary daily activities.
Purpose and Procedure of Knee replacement
The purpose of knee-replacement surgical operation is to resurface the parts of the knee joint which have been broken and to alleviate knee pain that cannot be controlled by way of different treatments. The Knee replacement specialist will remove the damaged surfaces of the knee joint and resurface the knee joint with the prosthesis. The knee prosthesis replaced by the doctors is made from metal and plastic. The most usual kind of artificial knee prosthesis (Knee replacement) is a cemented prosthesis. Uncemented prostheses aren’t usually used anymore.
A cemented prosthesis connects to the bone with surgical cement. An uncemented prosthesis connects to the bone with a porous surface onto which the bone grows to connect to the prosthesis. The most common purpose for knee replacement surgery is to relieve excessive pain because of osteoarthritis.
Individuals who want knee replacement surgery typically have issues taking walks, climbing stairs, sitting and standing on chairs and some also suffer from severe knee pain. For most people, It knee replacement gives relief in pain, improved mobility, and a better quality of lifestyle. And most knee replacements may be supposed to last more than 15 years. 3 to 6 weeks post-surgery, you can continue most day-to-day activities, including shopping and light household work. Driving is also feasible at around 3 weeks if you can bend your knee away enough to sit down in a car, When you have sufficient muscle control to operate the brakes and accelerator, and if you’re not taking narcotic pain medicines.
knee replacement in jalandhar
Cost Of Knee Replacement Surgery In Jalandhar
The cost of knee replacement surgery in Jalandhar may vary according to factors like the medical condition, type of room, the type of implant etc. Generally, the cost of the surgery will depend on the type of knee replacement:
- Cost of Unilateral Total Knee Replacement surgery in Jalandhar : The cost of unilateral total knee replacement is comparatively lesser than bilateral total knee replacement because in unilateral total knee replacement only one knee is operated and injured parts are replaced by prosthesis implants.
- Cost of Bilateral Total Knee Replacement surgery in Jalandhar : The cost is higher when it comes to bilateral total knee replacement because here both the knees are operated and the number of days you are required to stay at the hospital is generally more.
- Cost of Partial Knee Replacement surgery in Jalandhar : Partial knee-replacement will cost you less because; only the damaged part of your knee either the inside or outside part is replaced.
- Cost of Revision Knee Replacement surgery in Jalandhar : Cost of Revision Knee-Replacement is even higher because it is more complicated and difficult to perform the surgery as surgeons have to remove the original implants.
The affordable price of knee replacement surgery in Jalandhar and the range of experienced knee-replacement surgeons at DMC Hospital Jalandhar makes it the right place for your knee replacement surgery in Jalandhar. For your convenience, we are all always available to solve your query.
There are mainly two types of Knee Replacement Surgery.
- Total knee replacement- This surgery replaces both sides of your knee joints.
- Partial knee replacement- In a partial knee replacement, only one side of your knee joint is replaced. It usually takes lesser time to operate than the total knee replacement.
In some diseases, knee joints may get damaged, causing severe pain and difficulty in movement. In conditions where medicines and other nonsurgical procedures are not helpful, knee replacement is the only option. Some of the common problems associated with the knee are-
- Osteoarthritis – This type of arthritis is generally found in people 50 or older. But sometimes, it may also be found in younger people. The cartilage between bones in a joint acts as a cushion and provides soft and smoother movement of bones. With time, cartilage wear and tears, so bones strike with each other, causing joint pain.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis – In this type of arthritis synovial membrane of the joints gets inflamed and thickened, damaging the bone cartilage and causing pain and stiffness.
- Post-traumatic arthritis – This type of arthritis is observed in severe knee injuries, which can cause fractures and damage the bone cartilage or ligaments. This arthritis causes pain in the knee joint and problems in movements.
The majority of patients are able to walk when they are still in the hospital. Walking helps deliver vital nutritional supplements to the knees in order to help you recover. It is possible that you may need a walker to walk for the first few weeks. The majority of patients are able to walk on their own for about four to eight weeks following knee replacement.
You should not participate in contact sports like rugby and football and avoid any activity that requires jerking, pulling, twisting, or running. You will be able to perform less impactful tasks, like walking, gardening and swimming, playing tennis, and golf.
Here are some tips to recover Faster.
1. Move Little and Often, Every Hour.
2. Get Great Sleep and Rest.
3. Do not put an excess of Pressure and avoid Kneeling On Your Knee.
4. Avoid High Impact Activities Or Activities With A High Risk Of Twisting Your Knee Or Falling.
5. Speed Up Recovery Post Surgery With Physical Therapy.
You should be able to shower normally after your stitches, dressings, and clips have been removed. It is generally better to take showers until the wound is healed so that you don’t soak it up completely. Afterward, pat your wound, and the areas surrounding it dry.